European Commission is working for upgrading the DigComp 2.1 through a participatory process within the ALL Digital newtork. Since some of the DATALIT consortium members are involved in ALL Digital, our project has been selected among showcases.

In fact a work group of ALL Digital focused on Data Literacy has organized a webinar on matching Data Literacy requirements and KSA with the DigComp 2.1. The process has been coordinated by Juliana Elisa Raffaghelli, researcher and professor at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, with the participation of Riina Vuorikari, DigComp upgrade coordinator.

Among the attendees:

  • Barbara Wasson - “DALI: Data Literacy for Citizens”
  • Andrea Nelson Mauro - “Piloting a standard curriculum on Data Literacy among European Universities and Secondary Schools through Erasmus Programme”
  • Leo Van Audenhove - “Data Literacy Competences: Using and understanding data in the Brussels Databuzz”
  • Juliana Raffaghelli: “Data literacy in EU: understanding complexity to address educators' professional practice”

«We will keep on working as we have been done these last months, on matching Data Literacy requirements and KSA with the DigComp 2.1ù», Raffaghelli said. If you are interested in joining the discussion, please apply for joining the Community of Practice at this link.